Qualified Health Plan (QHP)

Health insurance plans that are certified by HHS to be sold on the state or federal exchanges, these plans will meet all of the ACA insurance market requirements.

Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project

Tax credits offered to small businesses investing in new treatment research. Qualifying businesses must have less than 250 employees, and tax credit can be applied to up to half of new investment.

Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs)

A measure of success for a medical treatment or health intervention that looks at the life years gained but adjusted for the patient's quality of life post-treatment.

Quality Assessment

A measurement of the overall quality of health care services.

Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement

A method through which health care providers monitor their services and seek to improve quality of care.

Quality Improvement Organization (QIO)

An organization tasked with reviewing the quality of care received by Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. Previously called a Peer Review Organization.


Refers to the amount paid for health insurance, usually on a monthly basis.