Improper Payments Information Act (IPIA)
Requires agencies to distinguish programs and activities susceptible to improper payments each year. They must also estimate the amount of overpayments or underpayments. Each year they report to Congress about steps being taken to reduce improper payments.
Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB)
A board created by the Affordable Care Act to provide Congress with recommendations to constrain Medicare spending triggered if spending exceeds target growth rates.
Indigent Care
Health care provided for free to those who do not have health coverage and cannot afford to pay out of pocket.
Individual Insurance Market
Also referred to as the non-group market, which is a market that allows for individuals who are not insured through their employer or a government program to purchase private health care.
Individual Mandate
Refers to a requirement in the Affordable Care Act that all individuals obtain health insurance.
In-network Care
Health care services provided by an insurance company's pre-approved care providers.
Inpatient Care
Treatment given to patients that are admitted to the hospital or other inpatient facility (such as a skilled nursing home). If the patient is in the hospital but is not admitted, the care is considered outpatient rather than inpatient.
Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS)
Medicare's system of paying for inpatient hospital care based on a set price for that diagnosis (DRG) that is then adjusted for factors such as patient severity and medical cost adjustment.
Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF)
Facility which specializes in intensive rehabilitation care
Institute of Medicine (IOM)
A non-profit that works outside the government with a focus on providing unbiased advice for the public and private sector when making decisions regarding health.