Waiting Period

A required amount of time that an individual must remain with the same employer before they are eligible for health insurance.

Waiver of Premium

A clause in a health insurance policy that if an individual becomes disabled and begins to receive disability payments, they do not need to continue to pay their insurance premiums.

Wellness Plan/Program

A plan aimed at reducing health care costs, and sustaining and improving employee health and productivity through an employment-based program.

Well-woman Examination/Visit

A preventive service or exam offered to women to review elements of their reproductive health including a breast examination, pelvic examination and a pap smear.


A portion of payments that an insurance company does not pay to health care providers unless that particular provider keeps costs under an agreed upon amount.

Worker’s Compensation Coverage

A type of insurance that pays employees when they are injured in the line of work.

Discrimination Based on Health Status

The practice of limiting or denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions.