Discharge Planning

Process through which insurance providers and health care professionals plan for a patient’s needs after discharge from a care facility.

Discrimination Based on Health Status

The practice of limiting or denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions.

Disease Management

Health care programs designed to help patients manage their treatments.

Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Payments

Program that allows hospitals to receive additional funding if they treat a large number of Medicaid-covered or uninsured patients.

Drug Discount Program

New provisions in the Affordable Care Act extend 340(b) drug discounts to cover more types of care providers.

Dual Eligibles

Medicare Part A and/or B recipients who either qualify for Medicare Savings Program or qualify for Medicaid benefits.

Duplicate Coverage

A situation that arises when an individual is covered by multiple health plans.

Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

Any equipment used in a home to aid in a better quality of life, some DME coverage is included in most insurance.

Group Purchasing Organization (GPO)

When individual companies or providers join together to secure discounts from vendors.