Discharge Planning

Process through which insurance providers and health care professionals plan for a patient’s needs after discharge from a care facility.

Discrimination Based on Health Status

The practice of limiting or denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions.

Disease Management

Health care programs designed to help patients manage their treatments.

Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Payments

Program that allows hospitals to receive additional funding if they treat a large number of Medicaid-covered or uninsured patients.

Drug Discount Program

New provisions in the Affordable Care Act extend 340(b) drug discounts to cover more types of care providers.

Dual Eligibles

Medicare Part A and/or B recipients who either qualify for Medicare Savings Program or qualify for Medicaid benefits.

Duplicate Coverage

A situation that arises when an individual is covered by multiple health plans.

Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

Any equipment used in a home to aid in a better quality of life, some DME coverage is included in most insurance.

Kaiser Subsidy Calculator

An online tool developed by the Kaiser Family Foundation which calculates one’s ACA exchange insurance subsidy based on one’s income.