Prosthetic Devices

Medical devices designed to replace or replicate the function of human body parts that have been injured or lost.


An individual or organization that offers medical care.

Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership (PECOS)

A system that manages enrollment data for Medicare providers in both electronic and paper form.

Provider Payment Rates

Refers to the total amount of payment a provider, hospital or community receives for services for a patient. The rates of payment can differ based on illness category and the types of services used.

Provider-Sponsored Organization (PSO)

An organization of health care providers who collectively agree to act as an insurance provider.

Public Plan Option

Refers to the proposal to create new insurance plan that is managed and funded by the federal or state government offered alongside private plans in the health insurance exchange.

Purchasing Pool

When small groups or individuals band together to purchase health insurance as a larger unit (and thus presumably at a lower cost). For example several small companies could join together into a purchasing pool to buy coverage for their employees.


Preapproval from an insurance plan before an enrollee undergoes routine care.