Word of the day

Wednesday, November 4


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is a branch of the Department of Health and Human Services responsible for improving the behavioral health of the nation and reducing the impact of substance abuse and mental illness in America.

Thursday, October 22


A provision of the ACA establishing a public long-term care insurance system. The CLASS Act provision was never implemented and has since been repealed. CLASS stands for Community Living Assistance Services and Supports.

Wednesday, October 21

Gold Plan

The second highest actuarial level health plans available through the insurance exchanges, equal to an 80 percent actuarial value. Bronze, Silver, and Platinum plans offer varying actuarial values.

Tuesday, October 20


Measures of the medical effectiveness of certain treatments or procedures.

Monday, October 19

Elder Justice Act

A Provision of the ACA designed to protect the elderly from being targets of physical or psychological harm within the health care system.

Friday, October 16

Young Invincibles

A phrase used to describe relatively healthy young adults who often forgo health insurance because they don’t anticipate needing medical care.

Thursday, October 15

National Prevention Council

Created through the Affordable Care Act, a group chaired by the Surgeon General and comprised of 20 federal departments, agencies, and offices to ensure the health, well-being and resilience of the American people. Their mission is also known as the National Prevention Strategy.

Wednesday, October 14


The process through which an insurer studies an individual or group applying for insurance and makes a decision on whether or not to offer coverage and how to price that coverage.

Tuesday, October 13

Hospital Insurance (HI) Trust Fund

Receives funds from Medicare Payroll tax to pay Medicare Part A hospital expenses.

Friday, October 9

Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)

A medical code set by the American Medical Association, which describes medical, surgical and diagnostic services. The set is to be communicated among physicians, coders, patients and other relevant parties.

Administrative Costs

Administrative costs refer to outlays that are not directly related to the service or good a company is selling. For a standard business this could…