Community Health Center (CHC)

Non-profit clinics that target underserved communities.

Community Rating

Setting premiums the same for all insurance applicants. “Modified community rating” refers to organizations changing premiums based on demographic characteristics, such as age, but cannot be based on health status or policyholders’ claims history.

Comparative Effectiveness Research

Research that focuses on analyzing a variety of options of treatments for a specific patient group. Research can range from medical risks and benefits of a treatment or costs and benefits of treatment options.

Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)

The annual gain of an investment over a given time period

Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE)

Electronic entry of medical practitioner instructions for the treatment of patients and shared with medical staff or the responsible departments.

Congressional Budget Office (CBO)

A government agency that provides non-partisan analysis on economic and budgetary issues for Congress, including "scores" of the cost impact of current law and legislative proposals.


Process through which a primary care doctor solicits help from specialists with regard to treatment.

Consumer-Directed Health Plans

Plans that aim to increase consumer awareness and knowledge of healthcare costs with plan benefit design that encourages shopping around. These plans generally have a high deductible and include a health savings account (HSA) or health reimbursement account (HRA).

Consumer Operated and Oriented Programs (CO-OP)

Plans provided by non-profit, member-run health insurance providers.

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

A statistic compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to measure the price of a basket of goods and services in the United States, used to show changes in prices consumers pay.

Medicare Value-Based Purchasing

Programs designed to adjust hospital pay rates based on the performance of the individual institutions.