Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

A federal agency charged with managing a variety of health care related programs.

Health Savings Account (HSA)

Refers to a tax-exempt account that employers can make available to employees to pay for current or future medical expenses. Individuals can also obtain this tax-exempt account from financial institutions. HSA's require individuals to have health coverage under a HSA-qualified high deductible plan.

High-Deductible Health Plan

A health insurance plan that includes high-deductibles, often these have lower monthly premiums than plans with lower deductibles.

High-Risk Pool

State programs aimed at offering health insurance to individuals considered uninsurable and unable to buy coverage on the individual market.

Home Health Care

Refers to medical and rehabilitation services provided within the home.


Care for the terminally ill that includes pain management, counseling, respite care, prescription drugs, inpatient and outpatient services and services for the terminally ill person's family.

Hospital Insurance (HI) Trust Fund

Receives funds from Medicare Payroll tax to pay Medicare Part A hospital expenses.

Essential Health Benefits (EHB)

The Affordable Care Act requires that health plans on the individual and small group market, including all plans sold on the exchanges, contain a package…