Physical Therapy

Health care services designed to help patients restore the use of injured limbs or body parts.

Physician Assistant

A health care professional that can provide basic health care but is not authorized to do so without the supervision of a licensed physician.

Physician-Hospital Organization (PHO)

Organizations, either legal or informal, that link hospitals with their medical staff. PHOs can be open or closed to any member based on qualifications.

Platinum Plan

The highest actuarial level health plans available through the insurance exchanges, equal to a 90 percent actuarial value. Bronze, Silver, and Gold plans offer lower actuarial values.

Point-of-service Plan (POS)

Insurance plans that allow enrollees to choose between in-network or out-of-network care providers, though the enrollee will generally pay less for in-network care.

Portability of Coverage

Refers to individuals having the ability to maintain coverage as they move from one job to another without a waiting period. It could also include coverage for individuals who are not connected to an employer when they have a change in employment.

Post-acute Care

Medical care provided after serious hospitalization (examples include: rehabilitation, long-term care).

Postnatal Care

Care provided to mothers in the immediate period after giving birth.


Preapproval from an insurance plan before an enrollee undergoes routine care.

Pre-disability Earnings

The amount of an employee’s gross wages or salary from his or her employer on the day prior to the onset of disability.

Medicare Prevention Benefits

Benefits designed to increase early disease detection rates and improve health outcomes (i.e. cancer screenings).