Word of the day

Thursday, June 5

Exchange-eligible Individual

Individuals allowed to purchase coverage through state health care exchanges.

Wednesday, June 4

Kaiser Subsidy Calculator

An online tool developed by the Kaiser Family Foundation which calculates one’s ACA exchange insurance subsidy based on one’s income.

Tuesday, June 3


Administrative process for reviewing insurance claims

Monday, June 2


Individuals who have health insurance but cannot access needed providers or cannot afford the cost sharing requirements.

Friday, May 30

Advance Directive

Patients and their doctors occasionally craft plans for future care in the event that the patient is unable to direct their care (in case of incapacitation or advanced illness).

Thursday, May 29

Post-acute Care

Medical care provided after serious hospitalization (examples include: rehabilitation, long-term care).

Wednesday, May 28

Intensive Care

The care of seriously ill patients in a special hospital unit.

Tuesday, May 27

Grandfathered Plan

A health insurance plan already in effect before the provisions of the ACA were implemented that is allowed to continue being offered to enrollees under specific circumstances.

Friday, May 23

Purchasing Pool

When small groups or individuals band together to purchase health insurance as a larger unit (and thus presumably at a lower cost). For example several small companies could join together into a purchasing pool to buy coverage for their employees.

Thursday, May 22


A provision of the ACA establishing a public long-term care insurance system. The CLASS Act provision was never implemented and has since been repealed. CLASS stands for Community Living Assistance Services and Supports.

Board Eligible

Individuals who have completed all preparatory work but have not yet been approved to practice medicine on their own.