Word of the day

Monday, July 21


A process through which providers (of health care, or health insurance) are certified to meet standards set forth by agencies that oversee them.

Friday, July 18

Tax Credit

An amount that a person or family subtracts from the amount of income tax that they owe.

Thursday, July 17

Pay or Play

Colloquial term for an ACA provision requiring employers to offer health insurance or pay a fine.

Wednesday, July 16


A process through which providers (of health care, or health insurance) are certified to meet standards set forth by agencies that oversee them.

Tuesday, July 15

Postnatal Care

Care provided to mothers in the immediate period after giving birth.

Monday, July 14

Mental Health Parity Act (MHPA)

Legislation which requires that mental health benefits be on par with medical and surgical benefits offered by a group health plan.

Friday, July 11

Interoperable Health IT

Allows for information exchange between healthcare professionals and providers that work in different hospitals or different health care systems within the same geographic area. If health IT is interoperable, it can “talk” to other systems.

Thursday, July 10


When a program expands to meet the needs of patients when the economy is in decline. As the program grows the costs also rise.

Wednesday, July 9

Zero-Deductible Health Plan

A health insurance plan that pays covered medical claims without any deductible amount paid first by the plan enrollee, can also be referred to as First Dollar Coverage.

Tuesday, July 8


A method of paying for health or medical services. Doctors and hospitals are paid for each individual service they provide to the patient. Bills can be paid in two different ways; paid by the patient who submits the claims to the insurance company or the provider can submit for reimbursement to the patient's insurance carrier.

Group Health Insurance

Health insurance purchased by a group of people (or on their behalf) rather than by an individual or family. Employer Sponsored Insurance is the most…