Word of the day

Tuesday, August 5

Mandatory Benefits

Specific benefits that are required to be covered by health insuring agencies plans. The number and type of benefits vary across states.

Monday, August 4

Medical Malpractice Grants

Grants offered to states as a part of an initiative to update current tort litigation practices.

Thursday, July 31

Minimum Medical Loss Ratio for Insurers

Ratio of insurance expenditures used on care as opposed to administrative or other costs. Under ACA insurance companies are required to issue rebates to consumers if too large a share of the expenditures are allocated to costs not directly associated with care (max of 15% for large group plans, max of 20% for individual or small group plans).

Wednesday, July 30

Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM)

The measure of the improper payments of Medicaid and CHIP, which results in an error rate for each program. These rates are based on multiple factors; fee-for-service (FFS), managed care and eligibility sections of Medicaid and CHIP in the fiscal year under review.

Tuesday, July 29

Aligning Incentives

Aligning incentives refers to an effort to pay for the actions that provide value (such as good quality care, care coordination, and the like) and thus incentivize medical providers to make decisions toward that aim. Currently, the fee-for-service system incentivizes providers to provide services whether they are beneficial or not.

Monday, July 28

Primary Care

Care given at the initial point of contact with the health care system - usually a general practitioner or family physician. This provider may then coordinate with other professionals (surgeons, specialists, etc.).

Friday, July 25

High-Risk Pool

State programs aimed at offering health insurance to individuals considered uninsurable and unable to buy coverage on the individual market.

Thursday, July 24

Mandatory Benefits

Specific benefits that are required to be covered by health insuring agencies plans. The number and type of benefits vary across states.

Wednesday, July 23

Kaiser Subsidy Calculator

An online tool developed by the Kaiser Family Foundation which calculates one’s ACA exchange insurance subsidy based on one’s income.

Tuesday, July 22

Anti-Injunction Act

Americans cannot challenge a tax until after they have paid it; in reference to court challenges to PPACA.

Fiscal Year (FY)

A period used for calculating annual financial statements in business and other organizations.