Wednesday, April 23
The process through with a beneficiary (or provider on behalf of a beneficiary) requests payment for a particular service.
Tuesday, April 22
Elimination Period
Time between when a policy holder is disabled and when insurance begins to pay out - also known as the Qualifying Period.
Monday, April 21
Indigent Care
Health care provided for free to those who do not have health coverage and cannot afford to pay out of pocket.
Thursday, April 17
Staff Model HMO
A form of HMO in which the health care providers are employees of the HMO.
Wednesday, April 16
Tertiary Care
The level of care, usually on referral from primary or secondary medical care personnel, performed by specialists that consist of complex procedures and advanced technology, often delivered in a medical facility.
Tuesday, April 15
Medicaid Expansion
The Affordable Care Act allows states to extend Medicaid benefits to eligible childless adults up to 133% of the federal poverty line.
Friday, April 11
Platinum Plan
The highest actuarial level health plans available through the insurance exchanges, equal to a 90 percent actuarial value. Bronze, Silver, and Gold plans offer lower actuarial values.
Thursday, April 10
Prepaid Group Practice
A form of insurance in which the health care provider is paid a preset amount, in advance, for their services.
Wednesday, April 9
Paying for treatment for a medical condition as a single lump sum payment rather than a per-treatment or per-provider payment.