Word of the day

Tuesday, April 8

Aggregate Indemnity

Maximum dollar amount of coverage for a particular treatment.

Monday, April 7

Medicare Advantage (MA)

A health insurance program of managed health care approved by Medicare and provided by private companies. Medicare Advantage plans combine Medicare Part A (hospital coverage) and B (doctor coverage) plus additional benefits all in one plan. Also known as Medicare Part C.

Friday, April 4


When a program expands to meet the needs of patients when the economy is in decline. As the program grows the costs also rise.

Thursday, April 3

High-Risk Pool

State programs aimed at offering health insurance to individuals considered uninsurable and unable to buy coverage on the individual market.

Wednesday, April 2


A percentage of health care that is not covered by health insurance and is paid by the patient.

Tuesday, April 1

Purchasing Pool

When small groups or individuals band together to purchase health insurance as a larger unit (and thus presumably at a lower cost). For example several small companies could join together into a purchasing pool to buy coverage for their employees.

Monday, March 31

Gold Plan

The second highest actuarial level health plans available through the insurance exchanges, equal to an 80 percent actuarial value. Bronze, Silver, and Platinum plans offer varying actuarial values.

Thursday, March 27


Balancing revenues by increasing costs on some payers to offset the lower reimbursement of other payers.

Wednesday, March 26

Day Treatment Center

Health center that provides care for patients not required to stay overnight; most commonly these centers treat mental health or substance abuse issues.

Tuesday, March 25

Maintenance Medication

Pharmaceuticals prescribed for ongoing use in the treatment of chronic conditions. Examples include asthma medication or diabetes supplies.