Word of the day

Thursday, September 4

Accident Supplement Insurance

Additional insurance consumers can purchase if their current plan does not cover injuries resulting from accidents. Such supplements are general only needed for high-deductible, low-cost plans.

Wednesday, September 3

Tertiary Care

The level of care, usually on referral from primary or secondary medical care personnel, performed by specialists that consist of complex procedures and advanced technology, often delivered in a medical facility.

Tuesday, September 2

Explanation of Benefits

A statement sent to the covered individual from the health insurance company that explains the benefits they are receiving from their plan.

Friday, August 29

Sunset Date

The expiration date of a law or government program.

Thursday, August 28

Dual Eligibles

Medicare Part A and/or B recipients who either qualify for Medicare Savings Program or qualify for Medicaid benefits.

Wednesday, August 27

Percent of Poverty

A term for the income of an individual as it relates to the federal poverty line; it is often used to determine if an individual qualifies for a government program.

Tuesday, August 26

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)

A form of health insurance in which the enrollee pays a smaller portion of health care costs when they use pre-approved health care providers.

Monday, August 25

Mental Health Parity Act (MHPA)

Legislation which requires that mental health benefits be on par with medical and surgical benefits offered by a group health plan.

Thursday, August 21

Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Payments

Program that allows hospitals to receive additional funding if they treat a large number of Medicaid-covered or uninsured patients.

Wednesday, August 20

Medicare Part A

Section of Medicare that includes medically necessary hospital, skilled nursing facility, home health and hospice care.

Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR)

A target growth rate for Medicare spending enacted by law in 1997 that, if exceeded, is supposed to trigger physician payment cuts. The SGR-triggered cuts…